OMA Lightweight M2M IoT Agent: Administration Guide


The IoT Agent requires Node.js 0.10.x to work and uses npm as its package manager. Most Linux distributions offer packages to install it. For other OS, you can find instructions to install Node.js here.

NOTE: the current version of Node.js, 0.12.x has not been tested with the Agent, so we suggest to download and use the previous version (that process can be eased with utilities as n or nvm).


Cloning the GitHub repository

Once the repository is cloned, from the root folder of the project execute:

npm install

This will download the dependencies for the project, and let it ready to the execution.

Using the RPM

To see how to generate the RPM, follow the instructions in Packaging.

To install the RPM, use the YUM tool:

yum localinstall --nogpg <rpm-file>

Using Docker

There are automatic builds of the development version of the IoT Agent published in Docker hub. In order to install using the docker version, just execute the following:

docker run --link orion:orion telefonicaiot/lightweightm2m-iotagent

As you can see, the Lightweight M2M (as any other IoT Agent) requires a Context Broker to work. In order to link it, just use the option --link as shown in the example.


GitHub installation

In order to execute the IoT Agent, just issue the following command from the root folder of the cloned project:

bin/lwm2mAgent.js [config file]

The optional name of a config file is optional and described in the following section.

RPM installation

The RPM installs a linux service that can be managed with the typical instructions:

service iotagent-lwm2m start

service iotagent-lwm2m status

service iotagent-lwm2m stop

In this mode, the log file is written in /var/log/iotagent-lwm2m/iotagent-lwm2m.log.


There are two ways to provide the IoT Agent with a configuration set: passing the name of a config file (related to the root folder of the project) or customise the example config.js in the root.

The configuration file is divided in two sections: one standard section for the NGSI traffic North of the IoT Agent ngsi, and another one for the specific Lightweight M2M traffic South of the IoT Agent, lwm2m. The former follows the same format described for the Node.js IoT Agent Framework, described here.

The latter configures the Lightweight M2M library used for communicating with the devices, as described here (server section).

These are the specific LWM2M parameters that can be configured for the agent:

  • logLevel: level of logs for the IoTAgent specific information. E.g.: 'DEBUG'.
  • port: UDP port where the IoT Agent will be listening. E.g.: 60001.
  • delayedObservationTimeout: When a LWM2M client has active attributes, the IoT Agent sends an observe instruction for each one, just after the client registers. This may cause an error when the client takes too long to start listening, as the observe requests may not reach its destiny. This timeout (ms) is used to give the client the opportunity to create the listener before the server sends the requests.
  • defaultType: for the cases when no type can be assigned to a device (no pre-provision or path assignation of type), this type will be assigned by default. E.g.: 'Device'
  • types: for IoT Agents with multiple southbound paths, this attribute maps attribute types (defined either in the configuration file or by using the Device Configuration API) to southbound interfaces. E.g.:
            name: 'Light',
            url: '/light'
            name: 'Pressure',
            url: '/pres'
            name: 'Arduino',
            url: '/arduino'


The only package type allowed is RPM. In order to execute the packaging scripts, the RPM Build Tools must be available in the system.

From the root folder of the project, create the RPM with the following commands:

cd rpm
./ <release-number> <version-number>

Where <version-number> is the version (x.y.z) you want the package to have and <release-number> is an increasing number dependent on previous installations.

Sanity checks

The Sanity Check Procedures are the steps that a System Administrator will take to verify that an installation is ready to be tested. This is therefore a preliminary set of tests to ensure that obvious or basic malfunctioning is fixed before proceeding to unit tests, integration tests and user validation

Checking the administrative interface is up

The first procedure that can be executed to check if the IoTAgent is running is to get the version from the administrative interface. A curl command can be used to do so:

curl -v http://<server_ip>:4041/iot/about

The result of this execution must be a 200 OK return code along with the version of the IoT Agent library being executed:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 46
ETag: W/"2e-d494dc75"
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 2015 08:14:45 GMT
Connection: keep-alive


List of running processes

The Agent runs a single node.js process, executing the bin/lwm2mAgent.js script. Here is an example of the runnig process.

root       732 31786  8 10:14 pts/0    00:00:00 node bin/lwm2mAgent.js

If the process is running as a service, the PID number can be found in the /opt/iotagent-lwm2m/ file.


The Lightweight M2M can work with in-memory databases (for testing purposes) or with MongoDB, depending on the selected configuration. The host, port and database name are configured in the config file as well. Check the Configuration section for details. Be aware that the North Port and the South Port interactions both make use of the DB, and that their configurations can differ.

Network Interfaces Up & Open

Using netstat in a Linux machine, the ports can be checked up. The IoT Agent should be listening in two ports: the administration and provisioning port (tipically TCP 4041) and the Lightweight M2M port (typically 60001).

The administrative port can be checked with the following command:

netstat -ntpl | grep 4041

and the result should be a single line like the following:

tcp        0      0      *                   LISTEN      <PID>/node

where the <PID> corresponds to the PID of the IoT Agent.

The Lightweight M2M port can be checked with the following command:

netstat -nupl | grep 60001

and the expected result would be a line like the following:

udp        0      0     *                               589/node

where the <PID> corresponds to the PID of the IoT Agent.

Checking the service is up

A quick way to check if the service is working is to use the status command of the service. Execute:

service iotagent-lwm2m status

This will tell you if the SO thinks the IoT Agent Service is up. Be aware that this is just a quick method based on PID checking, that doesn't check the actual working Agent, just the existence of the process. Querying the administrative interface is always a stronger check.

End-to-end testing

In order to make a simple LWM2M Check, a LWM2M client should be installed. The best approach is to install the client of the same library the IoT Agent uses, the Node.js LWM2M Library. This library contains a simple command-line Lightweight M2M Client that can be used to test simple scenarios. For examples on how to perform these kind of tests, see the How-To's in the Getting Started section of the User Manual that shows simple registrations and send measure tests.

Diagnosis procedures

Whenever a problem is risen in the IoT Agent, or if the Sanity Checks fail, the administrator should look at the log files in order to check what kind of problema has happened. If the IoT Agent has been deployed using the RPMs, logs will be located in the /var/log/iotagent-lwm2m folder. If the IoT Agent has been started from the command line, logs are written to the stdout. Whenever you are trying to debug a log, change first the log level as explained in the configuration section. Be aware that the North Port and South Port interactions of the IoT Agent have different log levels, that can be set independently.

Resource availability

To be filled soon by DevOps.

Remote Service Access

Check the User Manual for more information on the exposed APIs.

Resource consumption

To be filled soon by DevOps.

I/O Flows

The Lightweight M2M IoT Agent follows the standard I/O flows for agents shown in the Node.js IoT Agent library. The flow is reproduced here, for clarity:


The interaction in the South Bound follows the flows defined by the OMA Lightweight M2M Specification.